Submitting a new net report
Log in if you have not done so already.
Click on the date for the report.
A new page will be presented for you to enter the net report.
When done click Submit.
Submitting a net report for a different month
Click on the arrows next to the month at the top of the table.
until it desired month is displayed.
Correcting a net report
Click on the date for the report.
A new page will be presented for you to modify the net report.
When done click Submit.
Deleting a net report
Click on the date for the report.
A new page will be presented with the net report.
Click Delete this net report.
Changing the date on a net report
To change the date on the net report, you need to
delete the old date and re-enter the report with
the new date.
How do I modify somebody else's net report?
You can only modify your own net reports.
Contact AB0HJ or AC0KQ or KG5LFK or KK7JMH or N5FLD or NF0VF or WA3QLW to edit the database.
How do I enter a net report for another station?
You can only enter your own net reports.
Contact AB0HJ or AC0KQ or KG5LFK or KK7JMH or N5FLD or NF0VF or WA3QLW to enter data for other stations.
Nothing happens when I click on a date?
You must first log in before you can enter data.
Click on the Login button at the top of the page.
I cannot log in.
Your user name is your callsign. It must be all upper case letters.
Your password is case sensitive. Ask AC0KQ or KG5LFK or N5FLD what it is.
Only net controllers need logins. If you need a login, contact
I forgot my password.
Ask AC0KQ or KG5LFK or N5FLD to reset your password.
I don't like my password.
Change your password by clicking on
the Change password button.